Wednesday, 29 October 2014

High on montage!

Movie- Hugo

Hugo gets off to a marvelous start with a shape match cut from the gears of a clock to the hubTrip to the Moon poster of Paris centered around the Arc de Triomphe (which it does in reverse order later in the film). In another poem to editing, the movie employs an automaton as a subtle Kuleshov (montage) device. (The automaton seems asleep, sad, and determined, depending on the shots Schoomaker surrounds it with.

The movies recounts how early moviegoers reacted to movies, such as the famous incident where Parisians thought a train was really coming into the station in on of the early Lumiere brothers’ shorts and reacted by trying to leave the theatre. Hugo also shows many scenes from Melies most famous film A Trip to the Moon, a pioneer fantasy film of special effects.

"The film is a distillation of all the work Scorsese has done over the years, to bring other artists the world has forgotten back to the world," Schoonmaker said. "And that’s what we’d like to get across. How important the history of film is to see and enjoy." The editor added.

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